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- /**************************************************************************/
- /* GetPicSize.ucwx */
- /* */
- /* Copyright ©1998 by Dick Whiting */
- /* */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Used with UrbCedWWW for getting HEIGHT,WIDTH info of a pic. */
- /* This uses Visage - By Magnus Holmgren, but could be modified for use */
- /* with other users supporting similar commands. */
- /* See the UrbCedWWW Readme for a more complete description. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /*
- $VER: 1.0 Copyright ©1998 by Dick Whiting
- */
- viewer='UTILS:VISAGE %f INFO' /* command for getting info */
- ENABLED=0 /* change to ENABLED=1 to enable script */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Nothing to change below here */
- /**************************************************************************/
- if ~enabled then exit /* not enabled...exit */
- options results
- Address CYGNUSED
- origline=result+1
- origcol=result+1
- 'SEARCH FOR' 'SRC=' 1 0 0 0 1
- found=result
- if ~found then do
- 'OKAY1' 'Cannot locate SRC= for picture'
- exit
- end
- startline=result+1
- startcol=result+6
- 'LL' startline startcol
- 'MARK'
- on=result
- if ~on then 'MARK'
- 'SEARCH FOR' '"""' 0 0 1 0 1
- found=result
- if ~found then do
- 'OKAY1' 'Cannot locate end of name for picture'
- exit
- end
- endline=result+1
- endcol=result
- 'COPY'
- if ~result then do
- 'OKAY1' 'Copy name to clip failed'
- exit
- end
- filename=result
- rest=result
- if rest='' then do
- 'OKAY1' "You must save the file first"
- exit
- end
- fullfn=result
- path=substr(fullfn,1,pos(rest,fullfn)-1)
- select
- when substr(filename,1,3)='../' then do
- path=substr(path,1,length(path)-1)
- path=substr(path,1,lastpos('/',path))
- filename=path||substr(filename,4)
- end
- otherwise filename=path||filename
- end
- ison=result
- if ~ison then 'INSERT MODE'
- found=0
- do i=1 to words(viewer)
- if word(viewer,i)="%f" then do
- found=1
- leave i
- end
- end
- if found then do
- viewer=subword(viewer,1,i-1)||' "'||filename||'" '||subword(viewer,i+1)
- viewer=viewer||' >T:getpic.txt'
- Address Command viewer
- goodopen=open('IN','T:getpic.txt','R')
- if goodopen then do
- titleline=readln('IN')
- message=readln('IN')
- message=substr(message,4)
- if word(message,1)="Couldn't" then do
- 'OKAY1' message
- exit
- end
- type=strip(word(message,1))
- size=strip(word(message,2))
- name=strip(subword(message,4))
- parse var size width'x'height'x'depth
- 'LL' origline origcol
- 'TEXT' ' WIDTH="'strip(width)'" HEIGHT="'strip(height)'"'
- end
- else do
- 'OKAY1' 'Unable to open T:getpic.txt'
- exit
- end
- foo=close('IN')
- Address Command 'DELETE T:getpic.txt QUIET'
- end
- else do
- 'OKAY1' 'Viewer command is invalid'
- exit
- end
- return width height